Hello and thank you for making to my first goal page. (Is that what you would call this?!?! LOL). I would love to have this ring light, stand, and remote control so I can cam, make content, and most importantly, you can see me more clearly. I have watched several other models and they have lights similar to these and show up so nicely on cam. Each and every tip is appreciated and I am so thankful for you simply stopping by to read this! 💋Ezlyn
Nov 23, 2020
Nov 26, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Nov 26, 2020.
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All 2 Clubs and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 1202 Tokens
Contributor 2 306 Tokens
Contributor 3 112 Tokens
Contributor 4 94 Tokens
Contributor 5 91 Tokens
Contributor 6 74 Tokens
Contributor 7 74 Tokens
Contributor 8 38 Tokens
Contributor 9 33 Tokens
Contributor 10 21 Tokens
Contributor 11 12 Tokens