That's right, I'm visiting my gorgeous babe GingerMFC in Mexico at the end of April!!! This is going to be a REALLY fun, sexy, beautiful and silly time lol but I need your HELP! All tokens contributed to this goal will help me pay for my flights, food and special sexy outfits for the trip. For those of you on my Snapchat 4 Life, you can expect some very naughty travel snaps ;P Anyone who tips 1,000 cumulative tokens will automatically be gifted all access to my Travel Snap and ALL MY CONTENT FROM THE TRIP!! Members who tip 2,222 cumulative tokens will be automatically subscribed to my Loverrs Club and get the travel snap, all content, plus ELC Exclusive Content and special gifts! Please help me go see my girl!!! I miss her so much and we want to cam together for you all so BAD 😈 Top contributors can expect extra gifts from the trip but ANY amount is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you all so much for an AMAZING March!!! Let's make April even more KICKASS πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ’–For the Legion! xoxo
Mar 31, 2019
Apr 27, 2019
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Apr 27, 2019.
You can send EveeMinx a Share Tip!
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All 59 Albums, 7 Collections, 13 Items, 19 Clubs, 1 Poll, and 6 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Psychiclcjc 4059 Tokens
Nobody_h 3871 Tokens
kinkyclitty 2335 Tokens
DevoNAT_AT_XX 2240 Tokens
Smegheader 1107 Tokens
algoldstein 904 Tokens
YungLustXOX 880 Tokens
dannybacon 850 Tokens
DreamsFlower 616 Tokens
fuckininjaomg 550 Tokens
Infernolcjc 376 Tokens
Anonymous 346 Tokens
GingersMand19 200 Tokens
elvistcb55 198 Tokens
FeelingGood82 180 Tokens
NemoAgain 150 Tokens
mathelim 100 Tokens
Wavewalkr 80 Tokens
Tastyfood4u 66 Tokens