There are a few educational/professional events I would absolutely love to attend during the months of September and October, so reaching this goal would mean the world to me!!
Aug 31, 2024
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Aug 31, 2024.
You can send ViVerdure a Share Tip!
All 5 Albums, 6 Clubs, and 1 Tipmenu contribute to this Goal.
Chewie3413 23542 Tokens
MrEricD 18400 Tokens
purnell 4555 Tokens
slypysnorlax 1410 Tokens
CuteHobbit 888 Tokens
Mezmertox 843 Tokens
hobberto 666 Tokens
DLWatt19 573 Tokens
1whitehorse 444 Tokens
Boogieman223 444 Tokens
Zaackk 363 Tokens
backline69 243 Tokens
jimmyup 242 Tokens
partyboy8514 226 Tokens
Pumpinglemma 222 Tokens
JamesBondd007 222 Tokens
sowefly 222 Tokens
Lefou1960 222 Tokens
Tw1ster 222 Tokens
PinGlawl 198 Tokens
AshhBoi 165 Tokens
big_dummy_81 138 Tokens
drewparks713 132 Tokens
aussiemanDev 132 Tokens
naughty50 111 Tokens
SexyAV8R 99 Tokens
guize 89 Tokens
Dman95 66 Tokens
tattooedbob 11 Tokens
JohnDeere76 6 Tokens
howdeephuh 6 Tokens
Goat2612 6 Tokens
Cowboyld 2 Tokens