MFC has forbidden me from explicitly offering to meet in exchange for tokens or money during my already scheduled vacation to the U.S. This is disappointing because I was very much looking forward to really getting to know those of you who have been kindest to me in April. That said, your Romanian Queen is still coming motherfuckers. So you better be ready! I also still really need your support to fulfill this US dream. If you have any questions, creative solutions or suggestions what I should do to have fun while I'm in the US please email me at
Token Goal
This Goal is not enabled.
All 2 Items and 1 Club contribute to this Goal.
Cassie1984 150 Tokens
Cassie1984 333 Tokens
bob1234go 333 Tokens
Jimm678 150 Tokens
Wannataste617 200 Tokens
Wannataste617 250 Tokens
jj2934 150 Tokens
Bigpappi111 333 Tokens
PantiesBandit 333 Tokens
Anonymous 900 Tokens
Anonymous 199 Tokens
Anonymous Snapchat for life 350 Tokens
SassysWolf 999 Tokens