I would love to have a very fun vacation where I can take photos and make videos for you. The number 1 to give me 600 tokens will have a 30 minute skype session with me where I can indulge their fantasies, EVERY 550 tip in this goal will get 7 nude photos, EVERY 900 tip in this goal will get a recording with a hot show, EVERY 1699 tip in this goal will get access to 5 videos from my profile that you can choose to your liking, EVERY 3499 tip in this goal will get access to 10 photo albums, recordings and videos according to your choice, EACH suggestion of 7499 will get my whatsapp, one or two sessions completing 2 hours of show on skype, access to the club my sweet orgasm and the album Sexy4u and you can ask me for an exclusive video of one hour fulfilling only your fantasies plus 20 photos of your choice, if your tip is more than 9999 tokens you get my whatsapp, skype, Lifetime membership to my MFC share plus 5 videos made under your tastes and fantasy.
Jul 31, 2023
Token Goal
All 8 Albums, 1 Recording, 1 Collection, and 2 Clubs contribute to this Goal.