Its long time (probably 3 years) i havent been on vacation. I badly need rest on the nature... mountains, skiing.. I need fresh breath... fresh air.. I'm suffocating in the hustle and bustle of the city... In addition, the dog did not let go, since my 12 kg bulldog was not so easy to move from place to place... Finally i found people whom i can trust her. And be calm.. But still she is never wasnt without me for long time.. So i am lil worry still. 🙄 But i am sure nature and skiing, as well as meeting my family, will help me feel refreshed for new achievements.. and give me powers for give u joy and pleasure 🤩 P.S. Any сontributions will be rewarded with vacation photos... 💜
Apr 07, 2024
Apr 22, 2024
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Apr 22, 2024.
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