X-mas is one of my favorite times of the year. I would love to be able to buy some new decorations for this years Christmas. I would really appreciate any and all help with this goal. The highest cumulated tippers will get their name on the top of the tree :D And additionally anyone who tips 200 or more tokens will get a personal picture of me decorating the xmas tree
Nov 18, 2019
Dec 06, 2019
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 06, 2019.
You can send Not_N a Share Tip!
All 290 Albums, 19 Items, 13 Clubs, 3 Polls, and 5 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
DouggyIIII 11687 Tokens
NicsTedde 5795 Tokens
Plumber34 3101 Tokens
Fireman11224 1132 Tokens
GoldenBoyxx2 1111 Tokens
Devo122 500 Tokens
HBK12347 387 Tokens
Edwardxander 387 Tokens
Eyesrvd_N 345 Tokens
Nebman 310 Tokens
Ranger264 200 Tokens
Anonymous 69 Tokens
Fun_Bobby 67 Tokens
Billybob_1 50 Tokens
I_M_Hipp 15 Tokens
Jerzgo 5 Tokens
zorro3 3 Tokens