What can I say, I am guilty of being extremely horny and have developed a seemingly insatiable appetite to have orgasms since I started camming on MFC. There are a handful of viewers and 3 fellow models who know what I am talking about! The love, the messages, the generosity, the whole community just does something to me I have never felt before, and I love it! Truly. Basically, I want this chair because I think it would be amazing on cam and as soon as this pandemic is over, I need a partner to have her/his ways with me on this chair. So many positions, so many angles, and so much hot potential. I cannot write anymore, I am dripping. With love, Lea
Jan 24, 2022
Feb 27, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Feb 27, 2022.
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All 52 Albums, 148 Recordings, 3 Collections, 5 Items, 21 Clubs, 11 Polls, and 13 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 4340 Tokens
Contributor 2 2836 Tokens
Contributor 3 2224 Tokens
Contributor 4 1150 Tokens
Contributor 5 1127 Tokens
Contributor 6 738 Tokens
Contributor 7 471 Tokens
Contributor 8 356 Tokens
Contributor 9 321 Tokens
Contributor 10 199 Tokens
Contributor 11 109 Tokens
Contributor 12 65 Tokens
Contributor 13 33 Tokens
Contributor 14 20 Tokens
Contributor 15 10 Tokens
Contributor 16 8 Tokens
Contributor 17 3 Tokens