By now all of my guys in #AdysArmy know about my "special nights". There are themed lingerie role-plays, cosplays, beautiful fantasy dream nights, leather fetish nights with chains and toys, and my newest, latex nights! This February goal is going to allow me to continue these types of nights, with all the outfits, decors, and preparation that goes into them. Once completed, this goal guarantees 2-3 special nights in the month of February. * Future goal values will be adjusted based on the number and type of special nights planned.
Dec 31, 2019
Jan 30, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jan 30, 2020.
You can send AdySweet a Share Tip!
All 578 Albums, 19 Collections, 75 Items, 13 Clubs, and 1 Tipmenu contribute to this Goal.
AdysJim 13150 Tokens
AdysSkipp 4675 Tokens
Ian4UAdy 3300 Tokens
Billt3f1 2500 Tokens
Adys_Seeker 1910 Tokens
AdysSmark 1613 Tokens
italian121212 1450 Tokens
AdysB 1450 Tokens
Veritan 1350 Tokens
AdysKiwi 1300 Tokens
AdysBulldog 1300 Tokens
neil054 1199 Tokens
Anonymous 1000 Tokens
vasek1458 1000 Tokens
jbone528491 900 Tokens
AdysBlue 900 Tokens
LezyLad 900 Tokens
Anonymous 900 Tokens
AdysSasha 900 Tokens
johnymac62 900 Tokens
jrcainus 813 Tokens
OceanTek 750 Tokens
maddogs7s 750 Tokens
Anonymous 700 Tokens
Anonymous 700 Tokens
Racer__X__ 550 Tokens
raq1024 550 Tokens
Baltersan 550 Tokens
bki87c 450 Tokens
RockyRyder 450 Tokens
sportsman999 400 Tokens
Anonymous 400 Tokens
Nick27x 400 Tokens
PopFl 400 Tokens
AdysByrdy 300 Tokens
Anonymous 300 Tokens
thongsniffin 300 Tokens
Vi_Husband 300 Tokens
AdysN5 228 Tokens
Carlocapra 225 Tokens
Big_Pablo 150 Tokens
Anonymous 150 Tokens
InigoMontoyh 150 Tokens
ash2605866102 150 Tokens
Anonymous 150 Tokens
waid44 150 Tokens
AdysJames 113 Tokens