I left the career, that I spend my university years, educating myself for. I decided to follow my heart, and persued a career in the fitness industry. The foundation of my life has always started and ended with fitness, so this only made sense for me. I took a massive pay cut, but Im happy. Im a personal trainer, and I manage a beautiful fitness club. As with anything, my goals are evolving, and when the opportunity to buy my club became available, I decided to take it. I have 1 year to get the funds together. Please help support me towards the insane opportunity 💚💪
Apr 10, 2020
Mar 30, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Mar 30, 2021.
You can send Sadie_Storm a Share Tip!
All 2 Albums, 2 Items, and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
grrafe 125 Tokens
linkypoo Tip Menu 95 Tokens
rockbuster77 ShareTip 30 Tokens