I want to travel the world to find out what other places are doing to treat mental illness. The way America treats mental illness is disgusting. Unheard, under-loved, misunderstood. the world we live in is heavily over medicated... i want to do something about that. there are natural remedies here on earth that were placed here purposefully to heal our broken minds. 99% of America is medicated, whether through the doctors prescription or self medicating. i believe there is a better way. through holistic healing and therapy i believe most can be healed with love and compassion. i was heavily over medicated for almost 10 years before i found a solution. i went from not being able to leave my bed, to a fucking warrior who faces her demons every day with a smile on my face because i know everything i have been put through here on this earth has brought me to where i am today. someone who can laugh, dance, sing and enjoy the little things in life.. i got off most my medication and am doing wonderful. now i am trying to make this a safe space where people can come in with a problem and i can guide them in the right direction. i am not a doctor but i am someone who listens and cares. i want to heal minds and remind everyone its going to be okay and you no longer have to be alone in life... this tip goal is for me to research other approaches to mental illness and eventually open a treatment clinic.
Sep 17, 2023
Dec 31, 2025
Token Goal
All 1 Album contributes to this Goal.