Hi guys, I had an accident a week ago where I had a grandma seizure then a heart attack and on top of that my asthma hasn’t been doing too well not that it ever does 😏. I thought seizures and asthma were the only health problems that I have been having. 2020 has been the worst year for not only millions but myself as well. Being this young an finding out that, that I had a heart attack on top of all of this broke my heart which I'm still shocked my heart is beating. I have widows heart. You look at me and wouldn't think I have any health problems. If you could pray for me I would be very grateful & if you can help with my hospital bills which I just cant afford right now I would have even more gratitude. You are all special and god bless all of you. Thank you for anything and everything that you all do for me. I don't forget any of it. XOXOXO
Dec 30, 2020
Sep 05, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Sep 05, 2021.
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