Hello guys. So here is the thing. I am in a depressive episode again. I spend my days in bed crying more often than not. I am beyond exhausted and have suicidal thoughts again. I can't even cook or take a shower. I am in no shape to cam. But I thought of a way that would help me financially and force me to do stuff that is good for me. So here is a list of stuff you can tip for that would help me on two levels. Drink a glass of water - 20 Tokens Brush my teeth - 30 Tokens Do my skincare routine - 40 Tokens Take a shower - 100 Tokens Wash my hair - 250 Tokens Go for a walk - 400 Tokens Eat a meal - 600 Tokens Love you guys, CJ
Nov 26, 2021
Dec 30, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 30, 2021.
You can send CJCregg a Share Tip!
All 5 Albums, 6 Items, and 4 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
Anonymous 4655 Tokens
Jacknoshima 900 Tokens
MooskerDu 400 Tokens
Anonymous 200 Tokens
ZAZARK 100 Tokens