Lmaooooo. As you guys know I’ve broken my nose twice in the past couple of years. Sadly I can’t breathe through one of my nostrils and I’m not the biggest fan of my wonky face 😂 I’m on the wait list again through the public health service but thought I wouldn’t mind getting it done properly so that it’s aesthetically pleasing toooo. The trolls are getting me down man, I’m gonna be joining them under the bridge soon enough hahahaha. Help a girl out? You can be my nose Daddy
Token Goal
FarmrWantsViv 101010 Tokens
blacksphere 4736 Tokens
mrhotnhandy 1000 Tokens
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WonderDalek 543 Tokens
V_Will 300 Tokens
BisonDude1 268 Tokens
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darkinaut 45 Tokens
simplifizer 11 Tokens
Houndj 10 Tokens
kxVbumpy 10 Tokens