Hi cuties! I was talking with my roommates after camming last night and they said, "wow, sounds like you wear having a lot of fun in there! What was that noise there towards the end?" Well, I never know that they could hear when I use my current hitachi! Oops! So in that vein, I want to be a very good cam model, and an even more considerate roomie too. Therefore, my very first goal will be for a new hitachi, and one that is very quiet, so I do not keep my roomies up when I am feeling the urge to O (orgasm) alone! With love, Poppy
Jun 03, 2020
Jun 29, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jun 29, 2020.
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All 7 Albums, 4 Items, 3 Clubs, and 1 Tipmenu contribute to this Goal.
Anonymous 1129 Tokens
B_dubbs 210 Tokens
WHiTeFLy29 121 Tokens
ozzz1414 100 Tokens
geekybutfunny 100 Tokens
Ry510 100 Tokens
bunnyway 60 Tokens
DannyOceanX 55 Tokens