Wish №1 on my list.❤️ Yeap, I am only 20 years old, and I already dream of an apartment. In fact, I dream of a home since childhood (please do not take this as a complaint, I do not want to cause pity). I remember different apartments that my mother rented when I was a little child. I remember that I liked living in some of them, I felt safe and secure, I had my own room. However, when I was 6-7 years old, my mother bought an apartment and sent me to live with my grandmother. My grandmother lived in a one-room apartment with my grandfather and I slept with them in the same room. From then on, I began to feel instability and feel like I was a guest. The apartment my mother bought was without repair and she tried to repair it on her own for several years. However, this was not possible for her, because the apartment was too big. I moved to a new apartment when I was 9 years old. I had my own room with painted walls, a mattress on the floor, and a table with a chair. My mother loved the company of friends and her friends often visited us. I always felt superfluous, as if I were a guest. I no longer felt safe, and my home did not seem like home to me. I wanted to have a big bed and a pink chest of drawers with toys.🦄 So now, I set a goal for myself - to buy an apartment in order to finally open the door to my own home and feel safe and comfortable. I set aside a certain percentage of the money I earn every time I receive a salary from the studio. I don't spend on expensive things or restaurants, I don't need it, so I manage to save money.😊 If you like me and you want to contribute to my dream, then leave here at least 1 token, which is also important and I appreciate it. Help me get home.❤️ *The amount listed here as a goal is 80% of how much I need in total for a simple, small two-bedroom apartment. However, this is the amount to start with. So thank you for at least reading this, it's nice!🥰
Dec 19, 2021
Jan 01, 2023
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jan 01, 2023.
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