Heeey guyss!!! As some of you know my dad took away my car again so it's time for me to be an independent girl and buy my own car! I will take some months to save the money for it! This month's goal comes with prizes like ALWAYS!!! Maybe add a little beer since is beer season! 1st place: 15 min private + custom 5 min video 2nd place: 10 min private + custom naked photo 3rdplace: 1 custom naked photo + 1 custom sexy photo
Sep 30, 2022
Oct 30, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Oct 30, 2022.
You can send BlueeeS a Share Tip!
All 20 Albums, 41 Recordings, 5 Collections, 21 Items, 28 Clubs, 8 Polls, and 13 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
JakeSmallP4U 6867 Tokens
Bigbadjohnn 6126 Tokens
Anonymous 1800 Tokens
A_Free_Birdy 1738 Tokens
MrConundRum 1224 Tokens
TrueBlueees 604 Tokens
ericforyou 311 Tokens
donniedorn54 288 Tokens
neverbeequiet 222 Tokens
lucaluca99 200 Tokens
redscott2 200 Tokens
JacoSuave30 185 Tokens
Tooth999 165 Tokens
Red_Thing 100 Tokens
wally860 86 Tokens
Rocket1212 60 Tokens
PollardBear 40 Tokens
Mr_Hopper 15 Tokens