Hi guys! I've found my dream home to move into and this is my goal to make that happen by the end of the month. I realize this is a higher goal but you have no idea what it would mean to me to finish this. Everyone who contributes over 900 will get all my videos,snapchat and my number! The picture for this goal is me pouting until it's reached because im a brat love you
Token Goal
All 1 Album and 1 Club contributes to this Goal.
livinitup23 Daddy club! 2000 Tokens
Michael1805 ShareTip 700 Tokens
notshot99 ShareTip 600 Tokens
Bowtie502 ShareTip 550 Tokens
Bowtie502 Video package 200 Tokens
ghostnin Video package 200 Tokens
xxx25Nawesom Video package 200 Tokens
Bicknen Video package 200 Tokens
Anonymous Video package 200 Tokens
TigerJin Video package 200 Tokens
pcroser34 Video package 200 Tokens
Anonymous Video package 200 Tokens
kodatx Video package 200 Tokens
Nineveh Video package 200 Tokens
Moorecool Video package 200 Tokens
Mintytaste Video package 200 Tokens
thesarthesar Video package 200 Tokens
toosweetg Video package 200 Tokens
Candy_Man7 Video package 200 Tokens
nickh360 Video package 200 Tokens
jessie619 Video package 200 Tokens
Tango2Alpha Video package 200 Tokens
BamaBiggie Video package 200 Tokens
nobile Video package 200 Tokens
rallenfrier Video package 200 Tokens
cerealstud Video package 200 Tokens
livinitup23 Moving goal 70 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 10 Tokens