I Have been smoking since highschool, so its habbit now. I know it's bad. I tried to quit many times, but im always coming back to it. Be it stress or other reasons. If we reach this goal it would mean that there are people that want me to be healthy and i can't let them down.
Aug 06, 2021
Token Goal
All 37 Albums, 12 Items, and 3 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
KunkelJimmy 1562 Tokens
Dig76 722 Tokens
JadedForest 599 Tokens
Kibbles_ 264 Tokens
Furbj96 259 Tokens
Armorlirth 255 Tokens
UKNiceDeafGuy 255 Tokens
pantsparty41 255 Tokens
Kiwister24 255 Tokens
rocky812 255 Tokens
ThatSuaveGuy 228 Tokens
klekkink 227 Tokens
hairyjerry5 214 Tokens
Nuzino 199 Tokens
bigbear9100 149 Tokens
ToPmpChump69 149 Tokens
regularguy 149 Tokens
ImSoSquare 130 Tokens
sekret357 110 Tokens
NaCl51 109 Tokens
MachineRager 99 Tokens
paulbrew 85 Tokens
Divis88 50 Tokens
Uldrun 29 Tokens
Timotbr 20 Tokens
freshlike98 20 Tokens
sidewaylover 20 Tokens
akisenpai 20 Tokens
pase22 20 Tokens
Purplepanda29 15 Tokens
freezesean 10 Tokens