Dear friends, In a year from now, after successfully graduating Univerisity, I would love to travel the world for a year. I want to start with Peru, continue with Central America, then Mexico, USA, Canada, Philipines, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia and maybe stay there for 1-2 years to continue with my studies. I would like to share with you all my adventures afterwards, either on cam, either on Snapchat. I'm planning to continue camming while I travel. I did some maths, and 700000 tokens would be enough for me to make my dream come true. Thank you in advance to everyone who will help me make my dream a reality! I will forever be grateful and have a deep appreciation for you! Love, Sam
Token Goal
All 9 Albums and 1 Club contribute to this Goal.
josephjones 390 Tokens
Anonymous 332 Tokens
Jasonuiuc 277 Tokens
darktoto9510 270 Tokens
Michael_xx47 210 Tokens
wizgician 200 Tokens
dkbigman 170 Tokens
DertiBastard 150 Tokens
bencherrdg__ 100 Tokens
Tul_Bee 100 Tokens
Mr_Modular 100 Tokens