SURGERY: July 10th 2019... SUCCESS! 200,000 = $10,000 which equals a quality set of titties! Once we reach 100% I should be healed enough for the grand reveal! Until then, they're staying under cover! Highest contributer over all will get the one and only all access pass. This includes glimpses into the process of picking a size, pre/post surgery and the LEGIT FIRST LOOK when they're all healed up. ======== PERKS ======== Tip 200 for some video updates on Snapchat + selfie session! Tip 500 for a polaroid of the new titties! Tip 550 for Snapchat + 3 videos! Tip 1000 for a polaroid of the new titties with your real name written on me! Accumulatively: Tip 2000+ and get access to the first private group unveiling of boobs! Tip 5000+ and get your own private unveiling of new boobs plus loads pictures and videos of me jumping and running down stairs! Tip 10,000+ and I will make you a custom video before AND after new boobs plus all previous perks! Tip 50,000 and you'll get a full day of shirtless Skype with me! Lots of bouncing, shaking and head stands, plus all previous perks! Fund the whole process and I will let you motorboat them if we ever meet. This goal is in race with 'The Itty Bitty Titty Committee' - if the IBTC wins all contributions towards the Titty Fund will be put towards a down payment on my very first house! <3
Token Goal
Anonymous 91000 Tokens
Anonymous 36101 Tokens
KBB_Secret_LL 13188 Tokens
vanillafbb 12220 Tokens
Shalicor 5899 Tokens
cleotisXIV 5500 Tokens
BadlandDirk 5000 Tokens
RokemSockem 3256 Tokens
cakewalk45 3184 Tokens
TheEvy 2123 Tokens
YourFinSub 2000 Tokens
TaoOfCharlie 1850 Tokens
Sarcasmic 1123 Tokens
Foolish__ 900 Tokens
StyxAndStoned 865 Tokens
subjamesm 847 Tokens
MarkUltra 769 Tokens
SlickWilly30 750 Tokens
kmoore70 695 Tokens
NotreallyJohn 550 Tokens
slavejoshua 550 Tokens
paypuppyJ 501 Tokens
Stomps83 500 Tokens
R2_OrionOmega 500 Tokens
Allnight4 500 Tokens
Kraemus 500 Tokens
G00fivey 500 Tokens
cumslutdirty 450 Tokens
Anonymous 425 Tokens
RubberBeau 410 Tokens
Mollysgotthis 240 Tokens
illest_dusa 239 Tokens
joshuajjjjj 201 Tokens
JAY_262 200 Tokens
BanditOrGTFO 200 Tokens
Coldburn1 200 Tokens
beckham76 180 Tokens
JWeber1 150 Tokens
Flex354 150 Tokens
Furball 150 Tokens
Anonymous 149 Tokens
shady49 100 Tokens
BigToyLoverr 100 Tokens
bigred1804 100 Tokens
Slutty_ass4u 100 Tokens
limasub 100 Tokens
TylerBravo 50 Tokens
Cap_America89 13 Tokens