Bitcheeeees, Burning man is my spirit festival, It is something I've dreamed about when I was like underage, somehow I always been atracted to beautiful souls and wild people, electronic music and I think the whole purpose of this journey for me is to get out of my "Normality" and experience a unique feeling. NO LIMITS, Take part from a strage community from whom can all learn something. This goal it's when I will be 30 y.o even with kids, married or not, it is gonna challenge me. The whole price include flights, ticket and all the expenses for the whole trip for 1 week. This is taking place in SUA in Black Rock Desert - a city build by organizators and a beautiful community.
May 01, 2020
Dec 31, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 31, 2021.
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All 8 Albums, 1 Story, 2 Collections, 7 Items, 2 Clubs, 3 Polls, and 1 Tipmenu contribute to this Goal.
BoringChris 2627 Tokens
Slutty_ass4u 500 Tokens
birger23 449 Tokens
roostermintm 299 Tokens
jax911 198 Tokens
BlackBarn3 99 Tokens
cheekysmile4u 99 Tokens
Pattycakes95 61 Tokens