Hello, MFC community! I am a new model on the site. My beginnings have been modest; -I cam with a low-quality webcam -Being the night-owl I am, I film when there is no natural light present and the lighting in my room is awful as well :( However, even in this imperfect conditions I've had a good start and met many exceedingly kind members. Now I want to take it up a notch, to make my performance on this site become unobstructed by poor lighting and camera to bring my growing fanbase better and better shows... Hence, I am turning to you guys here to help me raise 10 000 tips, meaning, 500 dollars, to purchase 1080p camera and proper lights! My top contributors will be rewarded with free access to professional modeling photos form next week's photoshoot. Your help is very very welcome :) P.S.: A few days from now I'll add a photo to this goal to show you, what kind of a camera I am now have to work with XD - The one on the picture is what I am aiming to buy <3
Token Goal