One of my dream its visit Norway and see the northern lights! omg, i saw it only in movies ( i think like a most people lol). Always wanted to go there and enjoy it in real, something unreal <3 I want try to colect tokens and go there one day when this goal done. Thank you evryone who got to read it!
Aug 05, 2021
Nov 17, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Nov 17, 2021.
You can send V_Beauty a Share Tip!
All 8 Albums, 4 Recordings, 5 Items, 6 Clubs, and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Anonymous 52010 Tokens
jwk2883 6200 Tokens
Anonymous 4736 Tokens
Anonymous 1500 Tokens
jhonclare 1479 Tokens
Anonymous 1450 Tokens
Anth1995 1039 Tokens
Bullshirt50 888 Tokens
Sam1Am2 680 Tokens
onlymanforyou 599 Tokens
greggary101 550 Tokens
HVACRguy 540 Tokens
trojanfan3 500 Tokens
Lallonight 495 Tokens
thoobe 462 Tokens
meandmine1950 444 Tokens
Knemila 390 Tokens
lindas_hubby 340 Tokens
southerncal 300 Tokens
swaggman23 300 Tokens
masavids69 280 Tokens
Dionysus2005 279 Tokens
oldbikervet72 200 Tokens
JohnnyRogo 200 Tokens
excaliber169 200 Tokens
CuriousStevie 200 Tokens
General8675 200 Tokens
dclose91 200 Tokens
TwoBe2B2 200 Tokens
AG_TN 180 Tokens
fantastik2 180 Tokens
ScottishGinge 140 Tokens
Carlos0310 139 Tokens
MrStruggle1 120 Tokens
ipokeboobs 100 Tokens
donnyf22 100 Tokens
erosophia 100 Tokens
doobee3 100 Tokens
Ass_Snorkler 100 Tokens
Alex_NoClu3 100 Tokens
Relandroc 100 Tokens
joshvz 100 Tokens
GustavoIX 100 Tokens
xistorra 100 Tokens
markogabbi 100 Tokens
Cowboy_sodak 99 Tokens
Aurax22 80 Tokens
takeitoff88 55 Tokens
SirLunatik 40 Tokens
MyLove04 40 Tokens
MyBuggy69 40 Tokens
Kluks_BA 40 Tokens