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Anonymous asked over 1 year ago:
what would be a great date for you to go on? what would you do on the date?
alex_rainb0w answered over 1 year ago:
take a walk and then going for teasty food with someone with a very interesting conversation
Anonymous asked over 1 year ago:
what is your biggest dream?
alex_rainb0w answered over 1 year ago:
living in peace, with no anxiety
Anonymous asked over 1 year ago:
what is your biggest fear?
alex_rainb0w answered over 1 year ago:
Becoming blind
Anonymous asked over 1 year ago:
what is your favorite food?
alex_rainb0w answered over 1 year ago:
Rice, rice with chicken , rice with cheese, chinese rice... rice!
Anonymous asked over 1 year ago:
what is your favorite musical artist?
alex_rainb0w answered over 1 year ago:
Blondie, Miley Cyrus and Rocío Durcal 
Anonymous asked over 1 year ago:
what is your favorite movie?
alex_rainb0w answered over 1 year ago:
La Planète Sauvage