Right now I don't think belly button piercings would look good on me despite having one in the past and loving piercings overall. 

I am very self conscious of my body because it has been through a lot. I had three minions in three years back to back, near death experiences from that, multiple surgeries and my belly and skin there have never been the same since.

Now, I've always had a belly even when I was an athletic marathon running bad girl in my twenties, that is just my body shape overall since I was extremely obese growing up. That was completely out of my control. I've since lost weight and maintained that loss for over twenty years and forgiven those who have hurt me. I'm thirty-four by the way so hopefully that gives you some context on how far back that goes.

I am very well aware of my age and all of this and I don't try to compete with anyone on here. I am not voting age years old with a perfectly flat tummy and skinny model perfect physique.  However, I will say that a lot of the extra skin is just that... extra skin.

Honestly, outside of plastic surgery, I really don't know what else to say to anyone who accuses me of being fat, lazy, etc other than there is a lot more to me than what you SEE on the outside and my body tells one hell of a story. Every mark is there for a reason, emotional and physical.

So yeah, a very simple question about a belly button piercing has opened up this can of worms and I'm going to let it all out because I feel I need to right now. If I ever get a tummy tuck or a makeover or some type of plastic surgery and I have my loose skin from minion expulsion and massive weight loss finally removed, I will be more than happy to get my belly button poked. 

However, this body image thing is a big deal for me and a very sensitive subject which has tainted most of my twenties and adulthood and that's not something I can run away from. Much of which started in an age which was out of my control and has left lasting emotional and physical impacts on me.

Everyone to some extent has parts of themselves they love and parts they don’t. There are parts of my body I absolutely loathe and my stomach is one of those places. Until I feel like I can love myself the way I deserve, I have a hard time letting someone else objectify that body part. It's too sensitive and I am working on it every day. When I say every day, I mean every, single day I have to emotionally and physically fight body image issues as a result from past experiences. Ironic given the field I’ve chosen to work in that makes this both empowering and ten times more difficult!

So please be kind. I am a human being. This is a lot of personal information but hopefully this context gives some insight. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
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