Welcome to my first post. 

I figured I give this a try because it gives me a little outlet and allows me to express myself in a different way. Oftentimes people don’t get to see the inner workings of my mind and character while working in my current occupation and for that I feel many are missing out on something more insightful, provocative and greatly undervalued.
To be honest, I am not sure what I want to accomplish with this blog yet. My ideas have ranged from telling my story to explaining to the world what it is I do on a daily basis but I feel like both of these options are what you would expect to see from me and that is exactly what I want to avoid. It doesn’t truly represent who I am and all the intricate, complicated and more delicate pieces of myself.
I’m not sure the world is ready to hear what I have to say but hopefully in time I will be able to assess whether this platform will help or hurt me with achieving my lofty goals. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to bringing more in the future!

Victoria Lotus
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