Hi! I am Avery 💕

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My June Workout Journey
Well, on June 14th my dad passed away.
I've gained all my weight back and lost any improvements I had started making. 
I now have to go back to Louisiana a few more times to get his things which is basically junk and a car. So, I'm going to get back in the gym on Monday morning, and as of today I'm back on my diet. I hope. 

I'm sorry that this month just didn't work out for me. I figured this month would be a disaster I just didn't realize how much. 
I was bad this weekend. I ate hot dogs and BBQ! And meat loaf and mashed potatoes. 

On the plus side my anxiety isn't eating me alive currently and I was able to go to the gym before 10 this morning. It was leg day. 

My weight is at 129, but let's be honest. It's because I ate like a fatty this weekend. It was my birthday!!! I have an excuse!!

For this week I will be making coconut lime chicken and squash. I'm going to meal prep Tuesday. I'll post the recipe tomorrow. 
I've lost track of the days!
I am down to 128.4.  Not a big drop from Monday. Which tells me I've hit my water weight and now I am getting into actually losing fat. 

I am having some issues with stress and adrenaline. I keep having heart palpitations. Several in a minute. Then I won't get anything for a few minutes then I'll get another one.  Stressed about where I am going to move in August and how to deal with the massive amounts of humans that are at the gym the same time as me. I will either have to start going at night after cam, which I don't hate, or early in the mornings before 8am. 
I made a doctor appointment for tomorrow morning but honestly, I don't think I'm going to go. I'll call in the morning and say nevermind. I am pretty sure it's the working out/moving stress. 

As far as eating, I haven't been eating too much this week. Nothing fancy. I skipped meal prep so I'll do that next week. Tomorrow is my birthday so I'm kinda pausing on eating clean for a day or two 😂
Monday morning weigh in at 128.8!
Turns out the secret to losing weight for me is being active, eating clean and eating less. So far since I got back from my trip, I've lost two pounds. I am hoping that's more than just water weight.

Sorry I didn't update this weekend. I'm getting used to this work out schedule. It means getting up earlier and being exhausted all day until I can get used to being awake for more than 16 hours a day! Camming in the evenings takes a tole on a girl when she's been up since 7am!

I won't be going shopping for groceries until probably Wednesday. I've got some frozen meals from my fish dish I made last week to eat. I'm not sure what I'm even making the week. 
This weekend I didn't eat much but I did eat what I want. Papaya boats/bowls are now a new thing for me. Just adding yogurt and a fruit like grapes or banana to it plus honey, granola and oats makes a good fiber meal with probiotics and protein. It's super filling too. 

My weight goal this week is to hit 127. It would be amazing if the scale loved me enough to say 126.9 at least once!! So far I am loving this new commitment I've made to myself and I cannot wait to see where I am at at the end of June!
I weighed in at 130.4 this morning. It's crazy to think just a few days ago I weighed 135. Post vacation bloat is real!

So my meal prep for the week is Parmesan green beans and mahi mahi. Below is the recipe link. 


Today I ate half a cup of oatmeal with some added chocolate chips hehe. I attended my first day of the gym in two years and man was it crowded! I went about noon. Going to try tomorrow to go earlier. Hopefully I can find a time where it's about half of the crowd today. 

Around 3:30 I got hungry so I chopped up a yellow squash, sauteed it in olive oil and Italian seasoning. Added some Parmesan cheese and two fried eggs. Kinda like squash hash. 

Now I'm in bed after cam updating ya!  Hopefully I'll have my measurements in the morning. 

Thanks for coming on this journey with me!
Hey hey!

First blog entry. It's Wednesday night and I've signed up for my gym. I just got the basic membership at $9.99 a month. So, Thursday morning (tomorrow) I'm going to get up early and go for my walk, but only going for maybe a mile or two instead of 3 or 4. Then head to the gym around 10am. I think I'm going to start with a leg day. Wish me luck! I'll have a photo posted in the morning to start you guys off with some content!