Mental Health. It’s something many of us experience. Even the happiest of models, maybe hiding something behind that beautiful smile. 😊 I can honestly say this because, I’m a prime example. Although, I’ve maybe slipped up a bit near the end of my broadcasting journey… for a while. I’m uncertain of how many of you may have noticed my downward spiral, but I’m sure that some of my viewers had.

Now, I’d first like to make it known that I am fully capable of distinguishing fantasy from reality. None of the fantasies I’ve experienced and come to know of, are to blame for anything to do with this topic. I’ve actually had a blast with delving deeper into the mystery of fantasy and all the ideas of those creative minds. I’ll always continue to have an open mind when it comes to this type of adventure. So… it’s not you, it’s me. 

I’ve been battling bipolar manic depression AND general anxiety for over a decade. Some days are better than others. I’ve also been a guinea pig for the pharmaceutical industry, during this time, and I can honestly say that there isn’t just one pill that fixes everything. If that were the case, then, I wouldn’t have to switch up my medications from time to time. As once one med loses its effectiveness, then it’s time to meet with doctors and try something new. 

This past year has been a bust. I’ve only live broadcasted maybe, sparatically… over 2 months at the start of the year. Which really isn’t like me. When I really get into my groove, it almost becomes an addiction! I look forward to coming online and playing with everyone, although my scheduling is a complete dumpster fire. That hasn’t changed a bit. I’m all over the place in this game of life. I wasn’t feeling myself before, writing this personal piece that’s directed at all of you! The end result was this… I was in dire need of a medication change. Plus an additional prescription for just in case. For those days that are hard to handle, or so they seem. When really it’s all in my head. 

With all this being said, I’m excited to mention that I’m coming back to broadcast shows again for you all! I’m just getting things all straightened out. Life got turned upside down for a while… but I’m coming back stronger than ever. Please welcome me back. I’ve missed you all. 

Yours Truly;

Nikita xo 💋 
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