Ups and downs. Everyone faces them. When we are stuck in deep we start to suffer and don’t know how to get out of this condition. When we raise we never pay attention. Today I was asking you in snapchat where you get your energy. This article doesn’t get the logics, it’s just about my thoughts and my feelings at the moment.

I was in a shower in the darkness. And I realized the thing. One simple thing which was in front of me. Why I usually have power? Why I want to move, why I want to create and why I do what I do? There is only one thing. ONE simple thing. It makes you happy. Making you happy makes me happy. Simple.

I started to shoot the vlogs – mostly they are funny as you tell. You enjoy them. They are free, they don’t cost any token to you. What is the reason of these Vlogs? The reason is: when you watch them you feel me closer, you realize that you and me are the same people and we have the things in common. You find these things in videos. Also, you see me as real person with the same ideas and the same problems.

Snapchat. I know there are days I don’t do them, one day or several in a row. But also there are days when you get SPAM There. Why I make them? Why I shoot them and tell you everything I see, I do and I feel? I share myself, my ideas, my world with you.

But why I write you all these words? Because this is the motivation. This is the answer why I want to do all of the things I do. This is where energy is taken and I simply has forgotten about it. My dears, YOU motivate me! You encourage me. You know how precious for me to get messages that I brighten your day? That I make you believe in good things. That due to my silly snaps you smile and see the happiness and you believe it’s true. I am happy when I can make you happy. It means nothing is wasted. Everything is done right.

This is the energy circle here: I make you happy you make me happy and I am happy because you are happy. I know maybe it’s silly today to write about it. But I had inspiration and I had to write it to you. I know we all have problems in life, EVERYONE HAS THEM, we all have ups and downs. And I know some people who read this article have difficult period in life now. My dears, it’s time to enjoy every moment in our life. It’s time to be happy right now. IF you don’t have energy just think about someone who you can make happy. IT can be me unknown person to you who will smile after seeing your smile. It can be a lady who makes you coffee and she will become happy after you say how delicious her coffee is, despite its awful :P

I know some thoughts here are difficult to catch and they may be not logical. But I was writing them as I was feeling, no editing, no mistakes checking. Thank you for letting me know that I have a chance to brighten your day or make it a bit more happy.

I am back. I am back with the power for you.

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