Some of you knows most about me already.. but there are always things to find.. so challenge my intellect ))) Have any curiosity? mmm
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Anonymous asked about 5 years ago:
What time are you online?
Natalia___ answered about 5 years ago:
12 am Romanian time, you find me on ;)
mrWheelchair asked over 5 years ago:
ohh I got a question for you, that I don't know the answer of, How far can you jump? :D
Natalia___ answered about 5 years ago:
as far to reach your heart )
Anonymous asked over 5 years ago:
What's the secret, with your beautiful smile? :)
Natalia___ answered about 5 years ago:
tip, lolĀ 
mrWheelchair asked over 5 years ago:
What is the most embarrassing thing you've done?
Natalia___ answered about 5 years ago:
I have none to remember so, I try to ā€˜make fun of the troubleā€™ if there is somethig embarrassing
Anonymous asked over 5 years ago:
What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Natalia___ answered about 5 years ago:
drink a cup of water )
Anonymous asked over 5 years ago:
Have u ever been with a girl ? ;)
Natalia___ answered over 5 years ago:
in which way?))
Anonymous asked over 5 years ago:
You're favorite color?
Natalia___ answered over 5 years ago:
Anonymous asked over 5 years ago:
What is the Meaning of Life?
Natalia___ answered over 5 years ago:
be conscious
Anonymous asked almost 6 years ago:
Cannyou squirt?
Natalia___ answered over 5 years ago:
I can ,if I want to :)
Anonymous asked almost 6 years ago:
Hi! how tall are you?
Natalia___ answered over 5 years ago:
1.50 )))Ā  joking 1.65 :D
steef1606 asked almost 6 years ago:
If you may wish for something. What would it be?
Natalia___ answered over 5 years ago:
Anonymous asked almost 6 years ago:
What is your favorite music instrument?
Natalia___ answered over 5 years ago:
sexophone ))
Anonymous asked almost 6 years ago:
What did you do today?
Natalia___ answered over 5 years ago:
i don't remember ))
Anonymous asked almost 6 years ago:
If you could call yourself five years ago and had 30 seconds, what would you say?
Natalia___ answered over 5 years ago:
be happy and you do not care what others might say about you, be honest and conscious of your actions, be assumed
Anonymous asked almost 6 years ago:
If you were granted three wishes, what would you do with the Second wish?
Natalia___ answered over 5 years ago:
an ATM at my home
Anonymous asked almost 6 years ago:
Can you whistle?
Natalia___ answered almost 6 years ago:
I can only moan, that counts?)))
Anonymous asked almost 6 years ago:
Whats your favorite food? and dont say sushi!! ;)
Natalia___ answered almost 6 years ago:
and pastaĀ