Let's be real, guys. We've all seen those generic messages flooding models streams: 'hi bb hru?', 'amazing outfit!', 'you're so beautiful!'. While well-intentioned, these phrases are about as effective as trying to impress a cashier by telling them you love their uniform.

Models hear those same cookie-cutter phrases all the time. They’re practically drowned out by a sea of 'bb your amazing' and 'wow, you're so hot.' Think of it this way: imagine you're working at a store, and every customer just asked about coupons or loyalty points. You’d probably start giving automated responses out of sheer exhaustion.

So, how do you break through the noise and actually connect with a model?

Humor is your friend:
😄Use witty puns or jokes: A well-timed joke can break the ice and make her laugh. Just make sure it's appropriate and not offensive.
😄Find common ground: Share a funny story related to something she's talking about. This creates a personal connection and shows you're listening.
😄Be playful and engaging: Keep the conversation light and fun. Don't be afraid to be yourself and let your personality shine through.

It's about quality, not quantity:
😊One meaningful interaction is worth ten generic messages: Take your time, be thoughtful, and build a genuine connection.
😊Be patient: You might not get a response right away, but if you're genuine and engaging, you'll eventually stand out from the crowd.

Be Respectful:
❌Avoid sexual comments and gifs: Just because she's on camera doesn't mean she's inviting you to objectify her.
❌Don't be demanding: Respect her time and boundaries. If she’s not responding, take a step back or make her notice you by good comment in tip note.

Remember: the goal is to get a conversation going, not just send a fleeting message. The better you are at the start, the more attention you'll get from the real person behind the screen. And who knows, maybe you'll even make a genuine connection. So, ditch the clichés and start building a real conversation!