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Tip Menu
Self-knowledge is something that generally takes a lot of time and learning, but in my case I have always been very quick at learning about myself and about life, I am very observant, I know how to recognize negative and manipulative patterns in people, I know how to recognize when they are trying to hurt me. pretending to be a good friend, there are people who want me to do everything as they want but I don't do anything that displeases myself, I don't do anything that I consider an insult to myself, and I don't tolerate disrespectful people in my room, everyone who tried ended up in the same place banned forever, blocked and in some cases I report the name to the mfc community, because this webcam site takes good care of its models, so that's why I like this site, just like I like being well treated, and well appreciated, I enjoy caring people, there are users who think because they have a wallet full of tokens that we will do everything you want, my dear, you can't do anything here, you spend your money how you want and with whoever I want, but I do what I want in my room and if I say I'm not going to do something I don't do it and that's it, it's to be respected, it's not to ask for something outside the tip menu if it's not there it's because I don't do it and that's it .
There are users who think they are buying the models, my dear, you are buying our attention, and our show, nothing more, we are not robots we are human, just as I will not come to your house to insult you, I do not accept you coming to my room and telling me or ask to do unpleasant acts, In my world I like to see good, to do good and receive good, I don't belittle anyone dear, I don't look at anyone with malice, I like to admire the beauty that is in the world, I don't spend my time belittling other people so if you haven't evolved your mentality of what I don't want people to do to me I won't do to others maybe now you have some empathy, stop being an unpleasant person, Because if I chose my work it was because something dazzled me, it was that I opened the website and saw beautiful women in search of their financial freedom, I saw beautiful women sharing their intimacy, beauty and talents, and I like that, and I just want to attract people with my same vision, because if you enter my room with evil in your mind, you will be the one who loses, my character will remain intact and faithful to my convictions.