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Lady Luna's Place
My boyfriend (same guy since 2008, I'll refer to him as Tek) and I got some new magic cards. We were talking about mana. He didn't understand why, if we're on the same battlefield, we have access to different types of land. I explained how the players were the original planes walkers, and our home world was a different one where the battle was taking place. As I understand it, we get our energy from our home world, not our battle world. He then wondered why we can't tap the battlefield. We came up with a house-rule; battlefield mana.

At the start of your turn, roll a d4. That is the amount of uncolored mana you got from the battlefield that turn. Land still works as normal. 

We've played a few games with this, and it really enhances the game. Our games were usually either five minutes, or three hours. Now they're 15 mins to an hour. Comebacks were a thing in about half our games, instead of once in a blue moon. Strategies had to be made on the fly, since you didn't quite know how much mana you would have next turn. Cards I normally wouldn't be able to play with the low amount of mana I had were suddenly playable. But since the mana was uncolored, if I only had one mountain, I could still only play one red card. All in all, it was a rousing success, and made the game fun again. Even against the deck I couldn't beat. I highly recommend everyone try playing this way. 
So, I'm back, and boy have things changed around here!

I guess I'll be posting new pics and videos here, instead of where I was posting them. And this is my new blog. Oooo… So, random notes.

I am in US Central time zone, so any times referenced will be then.

I am an introvert. You can expect me not to do much when I'm not online. I'll make picsets and videos, sporadically. And there's random smut postings to my deviant art page (you can find me under EveMatteo), but you probably don't want to read them. My imagination is a dark and scary place. If you have suggestions, feel free to send them to me in an MFC Mail, just know that it can take me a long time to do anything with them. If you have a commission, feel free to send me a request for it. I won't charge you until it's done. I reserve the right to post it anywhere I want, though for written stuff I'll wait a month before posting it to Deviant Art. Posting it here will be how you and anyone who wishes pays for the finished video or picset, I'll send you a reply on MFC Mail when it's ready.

I'm excited and a little nervous to get back into this. Kinda how I was when I first started camming. I've missed it. 

