I had been horrible and bratty for a week. I had assumed Daddy was hung over and tired from work. I didn’t know he was sick. I had been asking for weeks for him to learn how to make me squirt from a friend who was visiting from out of town and I really wanted Daddy to come play. He was sick and busy with work. I am a spoiled brat and because I didn’t get my way... I was a mega bitch. I said things that were catty and unfair and I do regret it. I realized I had said things that mimicked what emotionally abusive people do... I told Daddy I don’t ask much of him. That is totally unfair to say. He does so much.

He wasn’t even feeling all better after being sick and he still invited me over to straighten me out. 

We’ve been screwing around for a while. As a switch, I had tested him a little. He had allowed me to test and so, mistakenly, I thought he was also a switch and not pure dom. He’s a proper full Dom. I sent him very naughty and dirty messages about what I would do to him and how. It came across as me being an uppity brat. I swear I didn’t mean it like that. I had been in a Domme mood, however had I known he doesn’t switch, I would not have taken the dirty messages so far. 

So I had to pay for my remarks and bitchiness of the last week as well as all the messages where I clearly detailed how I would Domme and fuck him.

I saw him drive past me when I had parked my car. He didn’t see me, even though I had my dome light on in my car. I walked up behind the cars to his car and was peaking from behind a truck. He didn’t see me. I walked a few cars down and waited for him to pass and I started walking quietly behind him. He saw me soon. I sneak behind him sometimes. I know it’s very creepy.

I decided to start the evening waiting for him on my knees, sitting on my feet, hands clasped in my lap. I waited for him. He took his time, my feet tingled and I waited. Watching from the side of my gaze, not looking directly at him. 

I often sit on the floor to play with his dog. I’m not sure if it looked like I was waiting or if I was playing with his dog. He commanded his dog to give us space. He snapped his fingers at his dog. Daddy stood before me, in his work clothes, and pulled his belt out from his waistband. I don’t think I’ve ever been in that position... waiting to receive a correction from a Dom and having them pull their belt like that... it was enough to excite me and thrill me and make me eager while strumming a note of fear and anxiety. 

He smacked his belt in his hand and I tried not to flinch at the noise. Normally I’ll hear the thwack of a belt and I’m still and I don’t get rattled by it. I was so excited that the added noise was enough to get a reaction from me.

I felt sheepish. He was starting to question me and pull my hair and give me what I needed. I didn’t protest, but I said, “you need dinner.” I didn’t want to correct him or question him. I wanted to make sure he was taken care of, that he wasn’t skipping dinner on my account. I felt guilty and chastened because I could smell cough drops on his breath. He still was sick. I was so selfish and so needy to be demanding he spend his energy correcting me and fucking me. 

I had been slapped in the face as he asked if I dared to come into his house and question him. I couldn’t bring myself to promise not to do so, because I didn’t know if it was a promise I could keep. With more encouragement and correction, I answered, “maybe.” More persuasion at his strong and commanding hands, “I’ll try not to, I don’t think I can promise.” More correcting, “yes.” “Yes, what?” Silence then correction, “yes, what?” “Yes, Sir.” I wouldn’t yet call him Daddy and sneakily got away with Sir. I’m sure he didn’t realize Sir, though an honorific, wasn’t me saying the name I reserve for him. 

When I answered, “yes, Sir,” he told me to get up and go to the bedroom, get naked and bend over on the bed and wait for him. A genuine mistake, already dazed and unfocused and slipping into sub space, I left my panties, shirt, and bra on. I had removed my pants for spanking and my socks so I wouldn’t slip on the floor. He came into his bedroom and saw me bent over and waiting, but half clothed, because I couldn’t follow directions. He repeated his command and imploringly, I told him it was a genuine mistake and that I was sorry. He left and I stripped off my clothes and waited. 

He came back with his belt and his hands and got to work. He had promised to work me over good. Told me I would take what he gave me. He was making good on his promise. He spanked me hard and a lot, and not just my butt. My ass was already tender from having been spanked. He used his belt, he flogged me everywhere I needed it. He flogged my back, my thighs, my calves. He went hard enough to get several “Ow’s” out of me. Normally, we don’t go quite that far. He slapped the soles of my feet with his belt. It stung. He flogged my ass though it was black and blue. He flogged my back hard. I reached to the side to touch his arm, “Don’t touch me. You don’t get to touch me.” I get a buzz from sub space that’s so strong all of me is tense and I can’t breathe in or out, I must wait with bated breath for the stillness from subspace to pass and dull so I can breathe in. My face just about feels numb from sub space. All of me tingles. I can’t think, it feels like I’ve been struck dumb. He kept me pinned to his bed with his hand on my back. 

I did put the brakes on the spanking and flogging, because I knew I had made an error in believing Daddy to be a switch and told him if I knew he never switches, I would never have run my mouth the way I did. I raised my head and hand off the bed when he brought up when I was being so naughty by talking about “Domme-ing” him. I said, “point of fairness.” And was able to explain my misconception and offer perspective and that I wasn’t trying to be nearly as terrible as it seems I had been. We resumed and he made sure I understood I would not Domme him and that he is my Dom, he tops me. 

He asked me to tell him that I understood and asked, “yes, what?” I still wouldn’t say Daddy. I had to say something. I said Patito. Duckling. He asked again, “yes, what?” I gleefully declared, “patito,” and giggled. That earned me some more swats until I was close to not being able to take more of it. I’m sure he got me so hard my eyes watered. I don’t usually have that problem when spanked and flogged and I don’t usually say, “ow.” Let alone, “Ow fuck ow,” and curl my back forward against the pain. I got what I had coming and what I needed. I was being straightened out for talking so dirty and for refusing to call him daddy and for being so mischievous and bratty. I’d gotten spoiled from being fucked so good and so often, I’m strung out for it. 

He called me a whore. The word burned in my ears and made my insides twist. It felt good to hear him tell me what I was and call me something like that. The word buzzed in my head.

After he’d made me say “ow” enough... he gave me another command, to get on the bed on my back and to show him my pussy. I wasn’t sure how he wanted me to do so and I asked how he wanted me to. He told me to use my fingers and spread the lips of my cunt apart. 

He licked and sucked and pleasured me so much and told me he should have paid more attention to my pussy for the last month, I tried to protest and tell him that he was busy with work and I didn’t want to say anything because I knew he was busy and his time and energy were valuable and I was willing to receive less of what I wanted for his sake. He wouldn’t hear it and wouldn’t allow the excuses I was making for him or for me and that I hadn’t told him, hadn’t communicated my needs to him, nor the reason for not having done so.

I writhed on his bed, clawing at the sheets and twisting beneath him, his mouth ardently clamped over my clit and suckling. His fingers wickedly buried in my cunt, drawing out every type of sensation and pleasure possible. I tentatively reached for his head between my thighs. He grabbed my tits and nipples while eating me.He let me shakily grab his scalp and grab his arms. He even took my hand and put it back on his head. I didn’t know what to do with myself or where to put my hands, I was so mad with pleasure, all of me was restless and twitching. My Daddy ate and fingered me until I orgasmed. I was drunk with pleasure, slow, helpless, and pathetic. His spankings and his finger fucking and how he used his mouth had rendered me into submission to him. 

He lifted himself above me and told me to lick myself from his face. It was what I had wanted and told him when I was being so naughty I would eat my fill of my taste from his face and that I would take as much as I wanted. He let me taste and lick. 

He teased my lips and the beginning of my hole with his tip. I did want him desperately, but the pleasure from him teasing me, it was too good and I couldn’t ask for his cock. He told me to tell him I wanted to be fucked and I told him it felt too good to ask. He pleasured me further with teasing and his tip. He told me to tell me I wanted him to fuck me. The teasing was so intense, I asked to be fucked. He told me to say the words, “I beg you daddy, fuck me.” I begged harder than he asked, “Daddy please I beg you, please fuck my pussy, please.”

He gave me his cock, so deep and so filling. He told me what a good girl I was and that I was his good girl for begging. He fucked me and I took what he would give me. He told me he was proud of me. At first I was confused why he would be proud of his little one. He was proud of me for taking all of the spankings and corrections he had administered. 

I wanted to cum so bad. Everything felt so good, I had to rub my pussy and cum, but it was so pleasured... all I could do was orgasm without stopping, which was insane. He gave me some lube for my cunt and told me to stroke his cock with my lube soaked fingers. It felt so good to grab his cock and stroke it and get it slick with lube and to feel his girth and weight of him against my fingers. I held his cock in my hand as he pressed himself deep inside me. I rubbed my pussy and orgasmed for even longer. I told Daddy I wanted to ride him but his fucking me felt so good, I couldn’t bring myself to ride him, yet. It just felt too good to be fucked by him. 

He fucked me and I told him how much I like it. “Daddy you fuck me so good and so hard. Daddy it feels amazing. Daddy your cock is so big. I’m your good girl Daddy.” I watched his face while he was fucking me. Normally my eyes are shut tight with pleasure and I find eye contact so intense and intimate I generally avoid it. I watched his face while being driven wild by being fucked by him, I looked into his eyes. He knows I don’t make eye contact easily, he’s asked me to make eye contact on other nights and I’ve been able to give it to him. The first time he asked I tried and it felt like my brain had been set on fire, I tried to look and couldn’t for even a split second and instinctively shielded my face and said “I can’t.” This time I gave it voluntarily and wanted to look into his eyes and he looked into mine. I could only hold his gaze for a few seconds before I was so taken by pleasure I had to look away. 

I apologized for being so horrible. I said sorry and had meant it from the deepest part of myself. I don’t know if when I moaned, “Daddy, I’m so sorry I was such a horrible brat,” he knew how truly, genuinely and deeply I regretted and had remorse for what I’d said, how I’d said it, for my behavior. He replied, “I forgive you.” Damn I never thought hearing that, hearing that from my Daddy, would be so much of a turn on. Something deep inside me caught with satisfaction and a sense of cleansing. I had done my best to pay for my misdeeds and wrong doing, to take what Daddy would give me, to take what I deserved. 

He asked how much I love being fucked by him. I couldn’t answer. That answer is perilous. I couldn’t bring myself to answer. He didn’t push it. I’ve told him before I love the way he fucks me, I’d held out on saying that for a year. After how I had behaved for the last week, it’s agonizingly clear that how much I love when Daddy fucks me is trouble for me. When I don’t get properly fucked, I get cranky and bitchy and rude. It’s trouble. 

He asked how much I missed his cock. “Too much. So much. Very much.” I acted so badly because I needed to be fucked, and so badly not only needed to be fucked but to be willed and corrected and coaxed into submission and atonement for how fucking despicable I had been. I’m a spoiled brat and because I didn’t get what I wanted, I had been horrible. I was graciously set straight. 

I asked my Daddy if I could ride him. I wrapped my legs around him, not wanting to miss his cock inside me for even the one second it would take to sit on his dick. As soon as I was situated on him, sitting with his cock so deep inside me, as soon as I started to grind my cunt on his cock and rub my clit, I came immediately and I came so hard and so long. He told me he wanted to hear me scream it, a chain of profanities and beseeching G-d poured from my mouth as I came and I did shout, “Daddy, I’m cuming so hard!” I don’t often open my eyes or make eye contact, but I came so hard my eyes popped open with complete shock. I asked him to keep fucking me, screamed to be fucked more. He wrapped his hands around my throat and thrust himself deep into me while I was on his cock and unable to move from being overwhelmed by the force and feeling of how hard I was cuming. He fucked me more and my pleasure intensified. I’m sure my vision went dark from cuming so hard and my head felt full and heavy and I felt weak. I tried to rub my pussy a little more after I recovered for a moment, but I came so hard, cuming a second time was impossible. I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard, I only had one in me. Normally I’m unhappy if I cum three or four times. I absolutely didn’t have enough in me to cum again.

It was daddy’s turn. I wanted his cum in me so bad. I wanted it and he wanted it and it’s torture because his body is so much stronger than mine, I can’t handle taking his cum. I wanted to so badly. I wanted to beg him to fill me. We both lamented that we couldn’t have that feeling.

He took my  body from behind. So damn good. “Daddy your cock feels like it’s going to break me. Daddy how can you last so long?” I had cum so hard I still had aftershocks and orgasms. He had to pull out to cum on my back and HIS pussy was still pulsing and squeezing from orgasms and suddenly having Daddy’s cock not in me left HIS snatch grasping for his cock, I was in rapture, still. He spent himself on my back and I couldn’t move. There were no thoughts in my head. I was completely shut down after being so wonderfully fucked. 

Daddy went even further to take care of me and show me tenderness. He cleaned our mess from my back. He sat back in his bed and put a pillow in his lap for me and told me to come to him for cuddles. I was barely able to drag myself the few inches toward his lap. I’m sure he helped me, to make it to his lap. I was drained and weak and empty, I gave what I could of myself, I took everything he had to give me. I did what he promised; I took what he gave me. 

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