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I love Star Wars, I'm pretty sure that is obvious by now. I belong to a sorority, love to party, and entertain guests of all genders!
Growing up with a loving family is awesome (if you didn't grow up with a loving family, that sucks, and I'm sure there is nothing I can say that will make you feel less shitty about that than what I just said, but hang in there because this post gets better) I wouldn't know because I didn't have a loving family life until I got adopted...(lol, I brought you back with that didn't I.) Well, my adopted family loved me like I was one of their own, and it felt amazing to be a part of their family. They love everything that I love, especially Star Wars! I love Star Wars! They raised me on the original trilogy, and didn't show me the prequels until I was about 15 years old. I was not a fan of the prequels though, which I'm sure everyone who was raised seeing the original would agree with...

But my dad refused to let me live on in ignorance! He showed me the Clone Wars cartoon, comic books, novels, and the wonderful galaxy of Star Wars. (My mom said that we were too nerdy half the time, but she spends her life posting on Facebook about her cats, and watching NCIS and Criminal Minds, so what does she know? ) My dad was all about showing me the wonders of the fantasy world, so he dragged me to all the nerdiest conventions, and opened up my world to the possibilities of LARPing and Role Playing! (Little did he know, I would take those values very far, and learn some magical ways to spice up my eventual sex-life!) My birth mom taught me about serial killers, and the magic of horror movies, she opened up my world to the weirdest sexual fantasies, and I began to obsess over Michael Myers banging me, and my adopted parents showed me the world of Nerd-culture, and thus, my lust for Darth Vader was born.( I've heard my parents talk about their own weird sexual fantasies with comic book characters, so the adopted apple doesn't fall far from the tree!)

My mom still talks about how she wants my dad to dress up as Wonder Woman, and make sweet love to her(
...it's gross when she talks about it, she goes way too deep in the details for my taste...I would prefer to NOT hear about it at all!)

So, my adopted parents are weird, but they are perfect in every way, and I thank my lucky stars to know them! So, when you wonder where my kinky imagination comes from, you know who to thank!
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