A Lost Girl... (Free Blog!)
You know what a lot of people do wrong?

They give up.

It's really hard to keep going when you're trying to achieve something difficult.

So they give up, and move on to something else.

Problem is, when you do that, you never know what could have been if you would've kept going.

If you were trying to achieve a goal you've had in mind for so long and you just gave up, who knows if you could have gotten to where you wanted to go.

I think of things that I have given up on and I have my regrets about it.

An important life lesson is to learn what is worth giving up on and what is not. 

The decision is yours.
I hate people who call other people fake.

You'll pretty much never hear me call another person fake.

The fact of the matter is, most people who see themselves as "real", are the least "real" people ever.

A lot of it is arrogance.

They see themselves as above everyone else and if someone isn't perfect in their eyes they must be fake.

They have no self awareness and don't see that they are worse than the people they deem fake and it sickens me.

Just be the best you can be, and remember that if you don't think you should improve at anything, you're not living up to your full potential.

Don't wallow around in your own ignorance. Be better.
So yesterday I finally hurt myself and I know how it happened!

I hit my thumb against a wooden table and got a really bad scrape.

Under the fingernail, owwwww.

Yeah, it sucked.

It still sucks, I'm in pain right now even after having a bandaid on all night.

So yeah, I'm clumsy as fuck and my wounds and bruises never yet you guys forget it.

Just thought I'd explain what went wrong this time. :P

I don't know why I do this to myself.

I get so stressed out over the tiniest of things.

I'm constantly struggling for perfection in my life.

And then the realization of life not being perfect hits me.

The realization of life not being fair hits.

I've been pretty lucky my whole life, in fact I'm still lucky.

I'm alive, I have food, I have a roof over my head.

But I still focus on the things I don't have and it screws with my head.

All I can say is try, try your best.

Eventually your purpose will hit you, and you will be satisfied. 
A diva is a female version of a hustler.

Or at least that's what I've heard.

What's your definition of a diva?

I personally think a person is allowed to be a diva in certain scenarios.

Like for example, Mariah Carey is allowed to be a diva.

Talent and legendary status make me a lot more likely to defend you and your diva-ness.

But dude, if you have like 1000 followers on Instagram and you think you're famous, yeah take a seat.

Some people let anything get to their heads and it's truly disturbing.

Don't be that guy if you don't have the goods to back it up, that's all I'm saying.
Happy new year! 

Thank you so much for your continued support of this blog and of me on MFC.

I have no idea where the year 2020 will take me but I'm hoping it'll be life changing!

And in an ideal world we'll have a smarter president.

But let's not get too political. ;)

Anyway, you all are amazing for making me able to do this for over 4 years.

4 damn years I'm becoming an old maid.

Thanks so much for joining my journey in this crazy ass universe.

Let's make this an awesome 2020!
I'm exhausted how are you?

That trip took a lot out of me and I went to work the next day.

So yeah friday cannot come close enough, I neeeeeeed it.

Anyway, pink.

Real men love it.

I was watching a certain show where almost every joke was, "Oh if men like this then they must be gay."

Basically fan service for older, more conservative men to go, "Huh huh yeah men aren't men anymore nowadays! Huh huh!"

Which is fine they can like whatever they like, I just think it's stupid.

Why are straight men not allowed to like whatever the damn hell they like?

Liking pink doesn't make you want to have sex with men so what's the deal?

I don't know, it's dumb. Whatever. Moving on.
This will be my last post until Christmas!

Thank you all so much for your amazing support of this blog.

I never would have thought that something I was doing to kind of help and motivate myself would actually help and motivate you guys as well.

I'm grateful that I can call MFC my home for over 4 years now.

It's the reason I can pay my bills and anything you give helps so much.

This holiday season, make sure to give as much as you can to people in need.

Remember that you are blessed and that every day you wake up is an accomplishment.

Thank you so much and have a great December!
How are y'all doing? 

I've been dedicating time to improving myself.

It's difficult.

It's hard to change anything about your personality and habits, especially if you've done it for so long.

But to better ourselves we need to admit to our flaws and we need to take action.

It causes much emotional stress, but the ride is worth the destination.

I assure you when you get to where you're going, you will be better.

I want you to be better, good luck.
If you're feeling scared or sad, sometimes repeating a phrase helps.

For me it's "Everything is fine." 

It helps to repeat that if I feel like the worlds ending.

Because really it's not.

Got a roof over your head? 

Have food in your fridge?

Congrats, everything is fine.

Try your best to be grateful, it's easy to feel entitled, but you aren't.

Keep that in mind. Everything is fine.
You know what?

I get it.

You need an escape from this world.

We're criticized as human beings for loving escapism and resorting to it when life sucks.


Why is it wrong for me to want to dive into a video game where the problems of the real world simply don't exist?

To be honest, it's the only thing that keeps me sane.

And that's how a lot of people are. I don't blame them!

Escape, because you need it. You'll always have to be brought into the real world eventually, but you don't need to live in it forever.
I feel like I've ranted about pain before...

But seriously.


Anyway, as you may have noticed I'm in pain.

And seeing as I have nothing else to talk about I decided to bitch about it.


Anyway, how are you?

Oh. Really?

Well that's nice. Have a good day!
You ever wake up sometimes like... meh?

I did this morning.

I've woken up on the wrong side of the bed, and the right.

But rarely do I wake up on the "meh".

I think that's pretty interesting but I have no idea how to analyze it.

It's just one of those great mysteries...

Or maybe it's not and I just have to google it.

But I'm too lazy right now, maybe tomorrow. 
I hate pantyhose.

PantyHOES, however you spell it.

They suck.

They rip easy and they don't even look that good! At least not to me.

I'm a leg person and I just see them as an obstruction of my view of the leg.

The best pantyhose are the skin colored ones, but if you're going to make them skin colored anyways then WHAT IS THE POINT?

Sorry, I just had bad childhood experiences with pantyhose.

Anyway, screw em. DIE!!!
I know there are times where you wonder if you will ever be happy.

Sometimes we're put in hard times where we feel like it will last forever and it'll never get better.

Well I'm here to assure you that isn't always the case.

And sometimes, in order to change your life, you have to give it a little push.

You can't completely force change, but there are baby steps that you can take each day.

Each day do something to make you proud of yourself.

Feel useful, feel productive.

It will help you see that you bring something important to this world, and that you're worth it.

Trust me on this. Go and succeed. 
Don't you hate when you're inspired, and you can't actually do it.

Whatever it is, your desire is so strong.

But for whatever reason, it needs to wait.

I cut my finger the other day.

Have no idea how it happened, I just noticed my finger bleeding and in sharp pain.

So now I can't draw.

I get inspired all the time to draw and I can't do it.

It's a huge cocktease and if there's anything I hate, it's a tease.

You know...

I'm done.

With rude assholes I mean.

Expect to get banned if you're rude.

I'm really trying my best to just exile any negative people from my life right now.

If you don't want to help me or better me in any way then go.

I want to surround myself with people that will help me become better in a kind, constructive way.

Nothing but kindness is all I will accept from now on.

So just be nice, learn how to talk to another human being, and get back to me when that happens.
It can be hard to stay positive sometimes.

Some days it seems like the crappy moments keep piling up.

You have nothing but bad luck.

Your partner is being an asshole.

You don't even have a partner and you feel lonely.

All of these things can make you want to be negative.

But it'll be OK.

You have someone, even when you don't think you do.

Be grateful for everything. Always.
If someone you know is nothing but a pain, dump them.

I understand it's a little more difficult with family, but even some family needs to be dumped.

The difference is I think, that family needs a few more strikes to be out.

However with friends and people you have personally involved in your life, if they are nothing but making your life miserable, tell them to GET OUT.

I cannot tell you how many times I had been loyal to people who had done nothing but use me.

As an adult, I'm tired of it. I can't take it anymore.

Get out, right now, it's the end of you and me.

I'm sick of negative, toxic people in my life that do nothing but bring me down.

I need someone who can run with me, or push me ahead. Not the opposite. 
Have a game plan.

That's what I'm told when I'm heading in to something new and challenging.

Be prepared.

But I also feel something else is very important.

Trust your instincts.

You see, as humans we have instincts for a reason.

Most of us aren't dumbasses who just trudge into something without thinking twice.

So if you feel that your instincts are telling you to do something drastic, you might just have to trust them.

If you feel something burning up in your soul, tackle it with your brain and instincts. 

You need to in order to win the fight.