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I'm just here to have fun, you'll see ;)

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 From the beginning I knew he would be a wild one. I mean he sucked on my titty on our first date! He’s a man and what I mean is I never met a man like him. Now I call him 34 because his name is John, how basic, and by the way he is 35 now. I remember our first time fooling around and how fun it was. I had to give him a warning that I am a squirter and oh boy was he excited and surprised. He lit up tea candles, I gave him a massage and then I played some music and practically gave him a personal show. I was laughing, I was crying, it was wet everywhere. Too good to be true right, because long story short he has a girlfriend. Now when 34 and I get together it’s a great time but when we get intimate it’s like otherworldly. So far it has been a year, so it’s just starting.
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