Long text posts for when your feral camgirl has to explain things in ways that make sense~
For those who don't know, I'm not in Florida yet. I got very violently sick this past week/end. My sinus infection spread to a tooth that had previously undergone a root canal & got very badly infected on Friday.

For the whole weekend I had no ability to sleep due to the extreme pain. I couldn't close my mouth & could only drink fluids as I waited for an emergency dentist appointment. From there, I was sent directly to an off-site emergency endodontist for surgery, have (another) root canal & filled with antibiotic.

The next day I was set to travel to Granma's. Started vomiting on the way to the airport, which continued on past TSA & to my airport gate. An airline security member saw what was happening & stated I was unfit to fly because of how ill I was. After asking for more details about my health he took my boarding pass with the instruction to re-book when I felt healthier.

Made it home safe, but the vomiting continued for several more hours. I couldn't even keep water down. I was told by my doctors if it continued much longer I'd have to be driven to the ER immediately. After awhile I was able to keep some water & crackers down. (Thank fuck, bc Americans y'all know what ER bills look like. So. Bad.) I'm currently on the mend, taking medicine & drinking as much gatorade & soft foods as I can handle. I re-booked my tickets to see Granma. I need to see her ASAP & am not going to reschedule for later in the year. So I'm gonna be offline a bit longer than expected, sorry beasties.

I'm okay right now!! I'm taking it very easy, keeping an eye on temperature, fluids, pain, nausea, etc. But I took a huge hit financially due to both the emergency medical bills (thanks America) & the necessity to re-book flights & transportation to Granma. Additionally, I may have to be offline for another week bc I AM NOT DISAPPOINTING GRANMA, I'M STILL GOING OUT THERE RIGHT IN A COUPLE DAYS ONCE I'M SAFE ENOUGH TO FLY

For this reason, any financial help would be huge. I feel terrible because I feel like this is like, rapid-fire bad luck since 2019 ended. But unfortunately this shit is out of my power & I can't do much to fix it.

In the spirit of trying to get used to asking for help when it's desperately needed & keeping my head afloat & all, I'm setting up a med/travel fund goal on MFCShare. Nobody is obligated to support, but any support is biggedy appreciated. OnlyFans support also count for the goal & will take the token amount down a good bit. Contributors will get mementos from my visit to Granma including postcards, painted shells, dried flowers & just nice little things I find or make while I do me an adventure in Gator-Land.

Thank you for reading.
& To my beasties: Thanks for being a part of this sickly zombie's chaotic life 💙

goal is here =

Due to circumstances beyond our control, Cam Clubhouse Vegas has been canceled. The owner of CCH has closed the event & issued refunds to all of us who purchased gift cards & tickets. For further information as to why, I'll include a link to the CCH Twitter below. The cancellation of the event is why we went from having a nearly-finished goal to having it reset to only 29%.

I no longer have guaranteed lodging for AVN 2020. However, the round trip plane tickets have already been purchased, and the hype has been HYPED so I'd prefer not canceling Vegas entirely!

Due to these changes, I'll also have to secure my own hotspot & a space to cam from that ISN'T the event floor. I still wanna cam outside of the loud event space! It gives us more of the comfy, hang out vibe that we're used to~ 💚

To break it down for those who're curious about numbers, costs are:
~6 days of Vegas shenanigans incl. 4 days of AVN~
Transportation including uber/plane = $632
STD testing if filming GG content= $200 for a full panel
Hard Rock hotel cost = $1000
Wifi hotspot = $65
Food = ???
$1,897 + ???

So, about 40,000tk ($2k) w/o tax!

Goals have been hard & RL has been hitting harder so I can't unlock the "offline only" tips requirement for this goal. But I'm gonna set aside Saturday, November 23rd as an MFC stream where online tips can count for Vegas 2020 goal! We'll do some goofy, crafty, messy shows & see if it helps get us where we're going a little bit easier!

Because Hard Rock room space is limited, the sooner we get to goal the better! If we manage to hit our goal before November 23rd it'll be set as an HUGE party/camathon celebration/movie night/pizza party/ +crafty/messy show hybrid!

Thank you again to everyone who's supported this goal & supported my push for Vegas shenanigans! I really, truly love going to these events, making content for y'all, networking with bbs & just making more internet memories for everyone. I appreciate y'all & no matter where we end up goal-wise, that doesn't change. Y'all are the good good butts. That's right. Feels. Take the appreciative feels. Take them hard.

💚 Thanks y'all. 💚


AVN Expo Details

Our Vegas Goal 💚

Cam Clubhouse TwitterÂ