Freyja Per Diem

My Black Leather fetish was named Pete , we met online, we talked for quite a bit and he told me the things I liked to hear.

One thing Pete didn’t know , this things he said I don’t want to search for , I just know they feel good and that they happen rarely. I also didn’t believe a thing he said , no backing up with actions is not my thing. 

Talking about fetishes in this LDR he once mentioned black leather pants was a big yes to him , so cellphone in hand I was curious to see how quickly his fantasy could be made into reality, it was also cheap! So why not , I bought ‘em from the Chinese market . 

To my surprise they arrived quickly, this website tends to take weeks but not this time... I put ‘em on and tried to reach Pete who appeared to be online but not paying attention, so we talked later that night... On the second hour of chat he started making me feel so good that I wanted to do something back , so in a sneaky way started putting on the leggings that he didn’t saw me getting, I continued to talk normally above the desk while struggling to fit em under it .. and then Voilá ! I gave him the dance of his life !

 He was sweating like a pig yet he couldn’t cum and me, that I was already turn on logged into mfc and did the exact same dance , he tried watching but he kinda didn’t like that , but I don’t care because Pete it is not my boyfriend. 

As I walked back home from the mailbox I spotted two blue jays, I have never seen them around before but, their disco ball looking feathers were undeniable. I , of course, chased ‘em through the trees holding my letters in one hand and my dress in the other . Aww, what a majestic being , how gracefully hovers from one branch to another, unlike me , for not watching where I’m going, I fell on my knee and now it’s bleeding and it burns ...