Remembering memories is always a great chalenge for the brain. It was back in high school, I had just started smoking. And in that same trip I have met the guy who was about to be "my first". I was never able to understand my taste in men, but I keep on trying to. With that being said, I will begin by telling you that he was shorter than me, but that didn't bother me. I guess he felt a little bit awkward about this because he was the one trying to hide the fact that he liked me. It seems so silly now, but back then I remember his friends were making fun of him for being shorter. I remember he was funny and nice. I was a teenager, don't expect any deep thinking. I was not a philosopher. Not back then(hahahha). 
What I do remember is being in a group of friends; we used to be The Divas. It was 4 of us who were close and then 2 more girls joined in. So the first one to lose her virginity was one of my friends. She was actually the oldest one - one year older than me. She was already in a relationship. The girls talk about theses stuff very open. It was all great for her. I was single and I liked a guy. But he had a weak personality. I remember being in the summer vacation. I would go out of the house quite early in the morning until one morning. THE MORNING. I remember that I had to pass through the living room and my parents were sleeping there. My father woke up as I passed through the living room and asked me where I was going. I said outside and left. He definitey knew where I was going, but there was nothing he could do to stop me.
 The guy was living pretty close to me, the same neighbourhood. I went to his place. It was just the 2 of us. We were laying down on a couch and watching TV in his room. It was on a music channel or something because I remember I heard the song Lonely by Akon playing on the background. He started touching me through my clothes, I turned around to face him and we began kissing. I was nervous, but not scared. I liked him, but I didn't love him. We then sat up and pulled the couch for more room...hahahha....we didn't make any porn movies, don't worry..but, as we were kissing, the intercom rang. It was his best friend, he was coming over. In the meantime we discoverred that he didn't have any condoms, so he asked his friend to go and buy some. His friend did that and then he came back very pleased with the condoms in his hand(kind of shouting from downstairs and showing them off). He stayed for a little bit with us and then he left. A guy will always be very considerate when it comes to sex. This is one of the things that I admire in loyal they are with each other and they don't even need to talk about it..I wished I had that with someone...
Anyway, back to the story...we started kissing again, but this time he laid me down on the couch and pulled the blanket on top of us - missionary position, of course. He got me undressed and started taking his clothes off too. The only thing he missed was his underwear - the boxers. He just took his cock out while wearing them. By this day, I have no idea how that dick looked like. But I was shy and I had a lot of thoughts going through my head. I knew the moment will not end with me getting pleasure so I didn't know what to expect. We were kissing and then he put the condom and guided himself to my pussy. He put it in and started moving. And yes, it was painful, but not an unbearable pain though. He didn't move for too long because well, he came. My first reaction was: "Was that all?"
I don't remember his reaction because I was not too focused on facial expressions back then. But I am sure he was not very happy about it. That was actually the only time I got physical with him. I confessed afterwards that I knew I wanted him to be my first, but I didn't want to have a relationship with him. And then things just got complicated: he tried to hook me up with his colleague who liked me a lot, but that didn't quite work out because I was not feeling the same for him...and do you remember the friend who brought us the condoms? Well, stay tuned because there's more..
As a conclusion, if I went back to being a virgin, I'd totally pick an experienced guy over a guy my age. And another thing I don't understand is why do guys want to fuck a virgin. Do you know that women are curious creatures, right? So at some point they will want to explore..besides, when you decide to be someone's FIRST, you take on such a big responsibility. That is a moment you don't just forget..
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