At some point I read a nice quote: "Think with your brain because the heart is as stupid as fuck" - I totally agree with that. Sometimes life puts you in difficult situations where you have to make a choice with your brain and not your heart. Even if it hurts. I am quite relieved that I didn't end up having feelings for the first guy I slept with. At that point, we were not compatible, I guess. But I did get some good things out of that whole experience: I got a new friend - yes, you are right, his best friend was my new friend. He was cute, as tall as me and he was an acrobat. I liked the fact that he was funny too, but he was also hot. I was 16 once and the hormones ran my life. I didn't quite know what I was doing back then. The acrobat(this is how we will call him from now on) met my friends, all of them. He was very friendly and outgoing. We went to play pool together, went to the park to walk. All the things that teenagers do. Or did. I don't know how teenagers are spending their time nowadays. I don't have any teenager friends. It would be creepy if I had...
So it was the same year I lost my virginity, the fling with my first was over, I tried dating his colleague, it didn't work out and I just wanted to enjoy what was left of summer. I don't remember the exact moment I hooked up with the acrobat, but he was a great kisser. His kisses were passionate and they felt so nice and warm. One day I went to his place. He was home alone and we had some plans. We were sitting in his room and at some point I asked him to strip for me. The Pussycat Dolls - Don't cha was the song. His moves were great. I really enjoyed the strip. And then he came to me and started kissing me, undressed me, put on the hat(condom) and we started fucking(well, he was on top - story of my life - guys like to be on top with me). And he didn't feel like cumming, but at one point there was a beating on the door. His mother and brother came back from shopping(his brother knocked on the door- this was the signal). I immediately got super shy and all the mood was gone. All I wanted to do was vanish from the house and that was exactly what I did. Got dressed and left the appartment while his mother was not around. And this was the second try to have sex. Fail again. It was becoming a little boring for me. I didn't even get close to feeling any sort of pleasure. This fling I started with the acrobat somehow ended because we didn't see each other. School started and we were teenagers, not Romeo and Juliet. But that year my life was about to change because I met a guy. I had been in a relationship with him for like 2 years or so. That was when the learning started.
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