While his cock was going in and out of my throat slowly, his fingers were touching my body, but in a sexy way, something more like a tickle than grabbing me. He was gentle, his moves were slow, he was aware of his size and he was paying very much attention to my moves because everytime I would run out of air(it is kind of hard to breathe, when your airways are closed), he pulled out. And we kept doing this until he came, but he pulled out of my mouth and came all over my tits...he had a nice cumshot. As he came, he was moaning. I loved hearing that. I knew the feeling, but this time it was somehow different. I felt like a real woman. Even though I didn't cum and I couldn't see his face as he was cumming(mostly because of the position), my brain was pumping me with joy. I was feeling so good. It was a different kind of fullfilment, the simple act of GIVING pleasure...wow! That was the moment I discovered that I am really interested in knowing and mastering THE ART OF PLEASURE. We kept experimenting all sorts of things afterwards. Now that I come to think about it, I think he was sort of an exhibitionsit because even though we only dated indoors to fuck, he did want to do something a little more public. And I did have a video he filmed with a bj(I am not sure if I should contact him or not to ask him if he still has it). He would always insist on me looking at the camera, but I was feeling shy...at least in the beginning. When I saw the video, I understood why eye contact was so important. That is the way to send your energy, through the eyes (the mirror of the soul, in my opinion). And the ideal way is when your partner is looking back and he is sending you his energy too. His calm energy was making me calm down. At some point I started enjoying being filmed, but not as much as to ask for it myself. At least back then I didn't do it.
Back to that night, he went to the bathroom to bring me some paper towels and then he went back there. I wiped the cum off my chest and then I got up and went to the bathroom to get myself cleaned up. 
"Let's get clean together!" he said and pulled me in the shower. He started kissing me. Oh, I loved his lips - soft, warm, big. But the lower lip is always thicker so I love sucking it..I am not such a great kisser, but I love playing with the lips, wherever i get the chance to do it..
That shower was indeed something I needed badly....I will tell you all about it next time. See you next week!
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