Have you ever felt that sometimes you just can’t move when viewing a piece of art? It’s like it sucks you in.. it’s so beautiful, that you almost feel engulfed in it. It’s almost as if quicksand is taking you.. and as quickly as it’s taking you, it’s slowly letting you feel the pain, the beauty, the love that it wraps you in. Did you know that quicksand forms in saturated loose sand when the sand is suddenly agitated? When water in the sand cannot escape, it creates a liquefied soil that loses strength and cannot support weight. But what reports don’t tell you is that when you do get stuck in quicksand, there’s always a portal to something new, almost as if it’s a new adventure. That is Art. Art is an adventure, it’s a movie, it’s a story… that’s how I like to see quicksand anyway. The adventure doesn’t  make itself, you make the adventure. So why is it so hard to find an adventure in art? Do you want to be held? Do you want to feel smothered, in a sense, something soft, smooth, almost feels like you’re in love? So much so, that you can’t speak, you can’t breathe, but you feel safe? I imagine that’s what loves like anyway. Like quicksand. Takes you in slowly, but keeps you forever.
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