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i have been learning a lot about habits this week as I'm attempting to blow past a recent plateau both in my career and creative life. 

I will be sharing the tip and tricks that resonated the most with me today.

i think the most influential tip i learned through understanding hot to create and break habits is to start slow.

a slight change to your habits, routine, or even life in general can have massive impacts on your life. 

I have always been the type to go all the way into what I'm doing, not seeing the value of starting slow. massive success can only be possible through massive action. go big or go home has always been my main attempt at success. 

however, it's the tiny improvements that arent even noticeable yet that make the greatest impact.

1% better every day for a year will compound to about 38% better times better.

1% worse every day for a year will bring you close to zero. 

I've seen this with my health. when a small part of is not entirely on it, I slowly slip away into an autoimmune mess. everything comes crashing back...but slowly over time because i stopped paying attention when other things were happening in my life. 

i am always SO shocked when my illness comes back into my life but realistically, I haven't been on it and every day that I'm not on top of it gets worse and worse. 

every meal that I cheat, every vitamin i miss....it compounds over time. everytime i choose someone or somethin else over my own wellbeing, it adds up. my body keeps score. 

so the same thing can be said for positive things in my life! the curve could curve up instead of down (:

solely making my way towards a healthier, more aligned, and balanced being through starting small - 1% every day. changing a small portion of my life over time will grant me greater access to the success and wellbeing i want out of life. 

it makes sense.

this one was hard to hear but soooo convincing! I am trying it out and will def keep you updated on how it goes for me.

so, forget about making goals for yourself and focus on systems. 

hear me out. 
a goal is something you want to accomplish
systems are processes that lead to the result.

the issues with only having goals is: 
1 - win or lose, you still have the same goals. 
2 - there are only monetary changes
3 - "either / or" conflict 
4 - "goal vs long term" conflict

1. winning or losing: everyone, both winners and loser in the game have goals. therefore, goal setting cannot be what differentiates the two. 

2. monetary change: completing a goal only changes your life for that moment in time. 

3. either/or: either you achieve the goal and win or you fail miserably (even if you were making progress in the right direction.)

4. goal vs long term: when you achieve a goal - what do you do after? chances are your motivation after completing it will quickly fade. 

ill go into systems next week because it's quite extensive but know that going about your life through small increments of change is the better way than forcinggg yourself through massive conflict and massive goals which will only fade in the end. 

thanks for reading today's facts! catch ya next week for more on habits as i will be taking the entire month to learn about this part of being a human. ♥

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