today i took pics & posted them like i usually do.....then i came online to stream for a little while. (not sure if everyone is aware but i have been streaming on 3 sites including mfc for a while that's even more people watching me. & that maybe excites me a little sometimes thinking about it)

anyways, today i came online to stream right after i got done with my pics & i was thinking about that i was maybe a little horny....after cruising the site for a little while looking to watch someone while everyone watches me...the thought of being sneaky & getting off out of camera shot while streaming came across my mind & guess what happened? naturally i was turned on of course.

so i found my leopard vibrator toy (if you've seen my videos you know the one) & under my desk out of camera shot i put it against my clit....but i didn't turn it on yet. i continued to chat with people as they came in & out of my room & then i started playing some "louder" music. obviously i was trying to cover the sound the vibrator was going to be making.

i turned the toy on to the first setting. i was thinking to myself that i was going to edge myself over & over again in between chatting with everyone & just get my pussy a little wet, but not make myself cum.

i had the vibe against my clit for about 3 mins ; i was squirming a little bit but i don't think that anyone noticed. after the 3 minutes had passed i could feel the wetness that had accumulated on my panties & pussy. i felt like i was too close to cumming so i turned the toy off & changed the song that was playing to something else "loud".

about 5 minutes later when the pleasure filled throbbing in my pussy subsided i turned the toy back on. right away waves of happiness filled my entire body....i was nervous that people could tell what i was doing. i didn't want them to know what i was doing but at the same time i wanted them to know so bad. i craved both things as equally as i craved a sneaky orgasm. 

(at this very moment that i am writing this blog i am doing the same thing again ; the vibes against my cit & there are people in all 3 of my rooms watching me & i am so fucking turned on right now) 

i continued to have the vibe against my clit for another 5 mins while i chatted with someone. i was so close to cumming but then all of a sudden the play list stopped & i had to turn the vibrator off so nobody would hear it.

i was nervous at that point so i sat here with it off for a while. my pussy was throbbing so hard with pleasure. i could feel the wetness. i was being sneaky & dirty & it fucking just turned me on so much.

despite the fact that the original plan was that i was gonna edge myself for a while longer i simply couldn't take it anymore....i was so wet & hot & turned on & i wanted to cum more than anything in the world. i looked in each of my 3 rooms & counted how many people there were & as i did that it got me even more excited. i was getting closer & closer. i was trying to hard not to squirm around. finally i couldn't take another moment & i allowed myself to succumb to the pleasure.....& that's when i had the most amazing, top of the mountain peaks orgasm. it was absolutely thrilling. thanks for watching, everyone & sorry to those who missed it. 
a moment later ; new user tips for pms then sends ;

"did i just see you cum?" 

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