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                     Tonight, all night, I'm Monroe...
                                           Even if I'm alone...... -Rihanna

Let's call this, A Very Basic Introduction To Sex Magick...

You've all heard this term. You've all got different preconceptions of what it means. You're all at least a bit correct! For the most part...

The simplest way to explain Sex Magick is, the building up and harnessing of sexual energy, and then focusing it upon release, super-intentionally to create a personally desired outcome in a specific aspect of one's life.

This can be done in SO many ways, I couldn't attempt to list them all... As this magic is very personal and customized to each practitioner.
It all starts however, with just an intention, a feeling, and then faith in action. Let me elaborate...

The Core Elements Of Sex Magick: 

  • Intention - What is the desired outcome?
  • Intuition - What is the best method of charging and activating the spell? 
  • Focus - Deep meditative concentration on desired outcome while building up energy
  • Release - Once deep focus and arousal/build up have been reached, sexual release completes and activates the ritual 

Ritual example:

Intention: To get a raise at work

Intuition/Ritual Plan:
Write desired raise onto recent pay stub, light green candle and place over paystub.

Focus: Visualize as clear as possible, your next paystub with that raise included on it. masturbate slowly and enjoyably. Don't rush the satisfaction, build it up just like you want to build up your abundance. See the date on your paystub in your mind, see the dollar amount of the raise and your new salary and feel exactly how you imagine you would when seeing that for the first time. Be proud, grateful, excited, etc...

Release: Once your visualization is solidified in your mind and you can feel it, and you're right on the edge of sexual release, you are ready to activate your spell. Feel your orgasm as if your visualization caused it. As if you came purely from satisfaction of your vision materializing.

Now, this can get MUCH more involved. There is really no limit to how ceremonial or basic you can get with Sex Magick as long as you include those 4 elements.

Personally, I've been really enjoying the Bystander Effect... Which is what I've been calling it when the presence of an attentive audience actually strengthens or speeds up the results of my spells. Simply performing these rituals on MFC for you guys has been accelerating  my spell work by quite a bit. Thank you guys xo

So, can you do Sex Magick with someone else too? Do they need to be aware? 

Yes, and No :) 

Yes, you can most definitely do Sex Magick with others! 

And no, they don't NEED to be aware of this for it to be successful, though it is much more effective if you are both/all working together toward the same goal, obviously. Team Work works!!  

Tune in to my live broadcasts every Wednesday @ 8pm - 2am EST for Sex Witch Wednesdays to learn SO MUCH more.... xoxo


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