Bad Camgirl's Little Diary
A bit sarcastic and ironic approach to the everyday living; see for yourself :)
I was recently in the supermarket and I saw you. You were very handsome, you were definitely looking at me. Our eyes met and our hands nearly touched when we picked that special offer $1 pizza.

I’d love to hear from you! I can’t stop thinking if that pizza also made out of your digestive system as violently as mine did? Please let me know if you read this!

The photo below is no way related to the post as this delicious pizza was made by me from the scratch, using nice and fresh ingredients. It was a delight! I ate it in one go πŸ˜‹

I think everyone forgot about Valentines this year πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

I've been off for 2,5 weeks. The truth is that I've had no internet. I've been asked why I was offline and that's the reason.
Then I've been asked more, like 'Why didn't you reply my Instagram/Twitter messages.
The only thing that comes to my head is that it's better to read and reply to messages from online services when you are, you know, ONLINE...?
It's like with power devices - they usually work better plugged in.

I've added this lovely selfie here to convince y'all to subscribe to my lovely blog! Hope it works!
PS. It's currently totally free and I'll add more pics with my posts in the future!