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Everyone has insecurity in a part of life.Lets start with that!

Is great that u acknowledge that u have insecurity because that is the first step to change and have better thoughts about yourself.The only way to get out of that negative that u have towards you is reflecting the aspects that u like about yourself(may be something phisical like eyes or can be kindness or beeing a good listener or dunno,reflect!)If you want to change the insecurity feeling you must put some work or there is another option stay in that victim position and stfu🤪.

1️⃣First step is take a piece of paper and write down all the stuff that u like about yourself! And this is not the moment to be humble!Everything that is great about you write it down!Take one week to just analyse yourself better and put your attention in qualities for example: today i said hello to my neighbour(friendly) or i had patience with my coworker,or i helped that old lady or ive been joking around with people(you are funny).Just analyse your behaviour,be aware.i want to repeat that everyone has insecurities and everyone has qualities,find yours today!

2️⃣Second step

Most of the guys that ive been talking with on Mfc say they are insecure about looks and honestly i believe this is just the easiest thing to change not because you wont have to put some work here (because you must) but because will help you discover a new you❤️.We must agree on the fact that not only gym will help you get in better state of mind or help you get more fit or healthier(i say healthy because that is a very important aspect as well!).If you havent had much body movement for some time now,walking is a great start!walk the dog more,walk to the store,walk around neighbourhood,walk walk walk or move your butt🍑.The most important aspect in this is to change your habit of not moving with moving your body around.This is not very easy because when you are not moving you still do something: watch cams,watch tv,eat snacks,check emails,play videogames,you dont just stay there looking at the walls🤯,right?i believe you ve already thought that you are not disciplined enough to start and keep yourself on track but let me ask you something:Are you desciplined at work?if the answer is yes then you can bring this quality in this aspect of your life as well!Make a schedule but dont be hard on yourself!Test more schedules and see what works for you.Maybe working out after work before  getting home(home are lots of distractions) or maybe waking up a little earlier or maybe in lunch break,find which is the best schedule for you.I really wanna say that you should not concentrate on the time that u spend or would spend working out but the habit of working out!Could be 5 min great!5 min is better than nothing but make sure to be consistent,not 5 min today and then another 5 min next week!or whatever works for you,that was just an example.When your thoughts will be "what change do u think u will have with these 5 min" remember is not about the time is about the habit🤩

3️⃣Step number three

Eating habits:take it slow on this!Not having snacks in the house is a great strategy only because there are low chances you would go to the market only for the snacks especially when u know that you know that wont help you in this new lifestyle that u have chosen for you,right?😁.i truly believe that if u delete snacks or at least eat less and move move will already make a little difference🫶🏻.

I really hope ive helped you a little!There is so much to say on this subject and honestly i love talking about this and trying to motivate and help at least a little💋.

Good luck!🚀

P.s stop comparing yourself with others!Or if u really wanna do that compare one quality of theirs with one quality of yours,that is more fair🥰
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