Hey folks! it's been a while since i wrote here last time.

It slowly gets warmer, up to +12 at noon.  I can smell summer: it's still far away, but it's already possible to see it over horizon. Can't wait finally to be able to wear tight summer dress and just go for a walk, enjoying the Vanalinn (Old Town) and holding an ice cream in my head.  I hope that lokdowns would end soon and i'd enjoy this beauty without wearing annoying mask.

Today i've met a guy who told that he reads my blog. I won't say his name because of his privacy, but if he reads it, he will understand that i talk about him ❤️   I was so happy to hear this! It's important for me that somebody reads what i write and motivate me to make posts here much often!

So guys and girls, if you read this blog and you like it, please feel free to leave comments, ask questions and help me to choose what subject should i choose for my next post.  I'll be waiting.  Your Alya xoxo

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